Haskap Highland Orchards

Haskap Highland Orchards

Website: haskaphighland.com

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Haskap Highland Orchards are a team made-up of farmers who plant, grow and nurture Haskap berries—one of the world’s most powerful plant-based antioxidants. A vibrant, sweet, tangy & intense tasting berry that’s brimming with healthy vitamins and minerals. They are talking an exquisite blend of sweet blueberry, tangy raspberry and rich black currant flavours— with a deep purply-blue color for added appeal! Just one serving (100g) of Haskap offers you double the Vitamin A and more Vitamin C than an orange! Haskap also has higher contents of calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium than blueberries, oranges, grapes and apples. And that’s just the start! Up your antioxidants with Canada’s newest superfruit! The ultimate fusion of flavour and nutrition. Try them out for yourself at Expo.